Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Staying Busy

It's been awhile since my last post, but very little has changed. Things are starting to pick up for us, and in my mind, that's a good thing. Life here can be quite miserable when we're not on the road. You would be surprised with how many small tasks pop up for us to do around this place. From guard duty, to cleaning up our motor pool, to just basic maintenance on our trucks. Yes, life on the road is more preferable.

This last mission saw a few changes in the role I play on our convoys. Before, I was responsible for overseeing and supervising the TCN's (Third Country Nationals) that we escort to the bases in Iraq. Now, I am the LVC (Lead Vehicle Commander), responsible for leading the entire convoy to the different bases we go to. It's quite a different job, but one that I thoroughly enjoy. Well, that's all I have for now. I wish everyone the best, and I hope you're enjoying the cooler weather that fall brings. It's barely started to cool off here in Kuwait, we're finally starting to see low 100's as highs, so that's a positive.

~Wildcat~ <----- New job, new callsign

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