Tuesday, July 8, 2008


After being in Kuwait for nearly 48 hours I can honestly say that this country is not my favorite. Monday, the first day we were here, the temperature climbed to nearly 120 degrees, it's also been nearly 90 degrees at night. Because of this, we've been doing most of our training at night, which has been a definite blessing.

Here are a few pictures of where I'm living:

This is the type of building we live in. Very warehouse chic if you ask me.

Looking down the center of our barracks

I'm on the top bunk, closest to the camera

Today, I was lucky enough to go off post, and I had a chance to see some of rural Kuwait. Here are a few pictures I took while I was out on the mission:

This is me, cheesing it up before a mission

This is us at a halt. The HET is a pretty big machine.

The oil refineries, you can see the methane burning off


CrazyChel said...

Just wanted to say thank you for your military service! My hubby just finished 12 yrs in the Navy and was actually born at Fort Riley while his dad was in the Navy. Totally know the sacrifices you are making and appreciate every second of it!
God bless!

Brandy said...

hmmm global warming at it's finest. Cant imagine what it's like when the wind changes direction. YUCK.

Brandy said...

oh and thought I'd help you with your "warehouse chic" aka Industrial interior design. LOL