Friday, July 4, 2008

Apologies and Waiting

First and foremost, I would like to apologize for taking so long to update my blog. Three months is really inexcusable. That being said, here's what I've been up to.

Starting in April, I began training at Fort Riley, KS. I started off with a two week class, learning how to drive the HET (Heavy Equipment Transporter). That's the vehicle that was designed to carry the M1 Abrams.
After our two week course, we moved into the field, where we began training, learning how to do basic convoy operations, and basic soldiering skills. For that entire month, I slept in a tent with 11 other males, it was a pretty tight fit

As you can see, I still managed to live comfortably, with a computer and a sprint aircard, the internet was always at hand.

After training at Fort riley for 45 days, we moved on to Camp Atterbury, IN. It's a small National Guard post about 35 miles south of Indianapolis. It is here that I'm posting my blog as we wait for our aircraft to fly overseas. The 45+ days that we've spent here have been very trying for most of us. We've had many long days, and some days where we are bored senseless. Today happens to be one of those days. Here are just a few photos of some of the places at Atterbury.

The picture above was taken when our camp was flooded, along with the City of Edinburgh, and much of central and southern Indiana.

The pictures above and below were taken at the All Rank's Club. There's a restaurant, some pool tables, a few games, and wireless internet. It was a great place to unwind whenever we got the chance, which wasn't nearly often enough.

The picture above is of my bunk (the bottom bunk) It's pretty spartan accomadations, but it's mine.

Anyway, I hope to update more often as soon as I get overseas. So, until then . . .

1 comment:

Chris said...

I hope you the best on your long journey to the other side of the world