Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Victory Over America Part 1.

There are many things in life that can be classified as Ironic. Alanis Morissette even sang a song about it. In that spirit, I present to you the palace that Saddam Hussein so ironically named "Victory Over America."

The palace, from a distance, looks quite stunning. The cranes that sit around the palace give the appearance that the reconstruction of the palace is under way. In fact, when the war started in 2003, a French company was building the palace for Saddam. After the breakout of the war, the French left the country, and their equipment stayed behind.

This is on the second level of the palace, inside of the grand ballroom. to the right, just behind the column, a JDAM was dropped in, and is a major source of the destruction that you see in the room.

Looking out from the balcony. All of the water was a sign of power for Saddam. As you can imagine, in a desert, the more water you have, the more powerful you are.

A picture from the roof of the palace.

The tour of the palace was really eye opening. It's hard to imagine that a leader of a country could build this palace while the people in his country starved and fought daily for water and basic needs. In the next installment, it'll be time for a Baath Party!

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